

体育博彩’s 起点 program offers affordable, online college courses for high school students looking to get a head start on their college journey. 有起点, high school juniors and seniors take college classes online alongside other Waldorf students before graduating high school.

These general education and introductory core courses provide a valuable foundation for your future college studies. You can also apply your online college classes toward a Waldorf degree or transfer credits to another institution, saving you time and money by fast-tracking your path to graduation.

But 起点 isn’t just about earning credits early. Our college program for high school students places you in classes with Waldorf’s expert faculty, who bring their real-world experience into the classroom. You’ll benefit from the same rigorous academics and supportive resources that Waldorf offers its traditional students, ensuring you’re well-prepared for campus life and the level of academic rigor that college provides.

学生 who wish to enroll in Waldorf’s online college courses before they graduate high school must comply with the guidelines and expectations outlined below.

Note: High school students who have already been admitted to Waldorf as college students are exempt from most of these guidelines. Check with 招生 for information about whether they apply in specific situations.

Why Choose 起点's College Program for High School 学生?

起点 empowers high school juniors and seniors to gain a competitive edge for college success. Our engaging online college courses offer several benefits, including:

  • 灵活的学习: Waldorf provides flexible, online college courses for high school students with busy schedules. 按照自己的节奏学习, ensuring you still have time for existing schoolwork, extracurricular activities or even a part-time job.
  • 打折学费: 起点 students can access significantly lower tuition for eligible undergraduate courses. 每门课程只需250美元, and textbooks are available at no additional cost as e-books or through our Loan-a-Book program.
  • 试驾你的学位: After completing two general education online college courses, you can explore specific majors by enrolling in entry-level core courses.
  • 转让的课程: Waldorf-earned credits can be transferred to most colleges and universities. Check with your desired institution for specific requirements about transfer courses.
  • 专门的教师: 我们为高中生开设的在线课程, you’ll learn from accomplished faculty who provide valuable insights to prepare you for future success in college and your career.
  • 个人建议: Our 招生 and Career Center teams will work with you to discuss your goals and help you decide which online college classes best align with your academic and career goals.

Costs and Transferability of Your Online College 课程s

起点 provides affordable online college classes for high school students seeking a cost-effective pathway to jumpstarting their college education. 课程s are three credit hours each, and tuition is $250 per course.

18岁以下学生, parents must provide a signed statement of their intention to pay for your 起点 courses. Our online courses also utilize Waldorf’s Loan-a-Book program or e-books, 进一步减少你的自付费用.

有起点, your online college courses will transfer into a Waldorf degree program, or you can transfer credits to another institution where accepted. High school students who take online classes at Waldorf may be eligible for 新生住宿奖学金 对于那些希望在校园里亲自参加的人.

体育博彩 is regionally accredited by the 高等教育委员会, ensuring your online college courses are recognized by most institutions.



起点 students may take one college course online each term. For successful admission to the program, you must:

  • Must be at least 15 years of age and have completed sophomore year of high school with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
  • 保持最低累积GPA为2分.5 in classes at both high school and 体育博彩 while enrolled in Waldorf classes. 学生将负责发送学期, quarter or final report cards from their high school.
  • Submit a recommendation from an administrator, academic advisor or counselor at their high school.
  • Submit a copy of their current high school transcript. 如果你在家接受教育, your parents can self-report your GPA via a documented letter to the 注册商 or Director of 招生.


After you have successfully completed two Waldorf courses from the general education category, you may enroll in any of the entry-level core courses required for our many degree programs.

This opportunity allows you to complete your college courses online while exploring a degree field that interests you. These courses include but are not limited to: 商业概论, 刑事司法概论, 恐怖主义概论, 防火导论及图形核心.


*Satisfies the 起点 general education requirement

前缀 数量 课程 学分
艺术 1010 艺术欣赏* 3
艺术 1020 艺术欣赏II* 3
生物 1030 生物学原理* 3
公共汽车 2010 商业概论 3
公共汽车 2026 组织沟通 3
公共汽车 2201 会计原理 3
公共汽车 3201 市场营销原理 3
COM 1010 图形核心 3
COM 1020 数字化的核心 3
COM 1030 大众传播与社会 3
COM 1040 体育博彩采编 3
CRJ 2000 刑事司法概论 3
CRJ 2001 执法理论与实践“, 3
CRJ 2050 恐怖主义概论 3
CRJ 2200 矫正的理论与实践 3
生态 2401 宏观经济学原理* 3
肌电图 2000 应急管理概论 3
英格 1010 英语作文I* 3
英格 1020 英语作文II* 3
英格 2000 美国文学I* 3
英格 2010 美国文学II* 3
FSC 2010 消防策略导论 3
FSC 3345 防火概论 3
HCM 1301 医学术语 3
HCM 3002 卫生保健管理导论 3
他的 1110 美国历史I* 3
他的 1120 美国历史II* 3
他的 1200 中世纪世界* 3
他的 1610 现代世界* 3
他的 1710 当代世界* 3
嗡嗡声 1020 批判性思维* 3
m 1010 通识教育数学在线学生* 3
1010 音乐欣赏导论* 3
奥什 3001 职业安全与健康基础 3
体育 1010 地球科学* 3
体育 1510 物理科学* 3
波尔 1010 美国政府* 3
波尔 2000 政治学导论* 3
波尔 2010 美国、州和地方政治* 3
小组 1010 普通心理学* 3
REL 2050 当代伦理问题* 3
REL 2350 世界宗教哲学* 3
SOC 1010 社会学概论* 3
SOC 2010 全球社会与文化地理调查* 3
程控 1010 语音通信* 3
SPN) 1010 西班牙语入门* 3
用力推 1010 戏剧概论* 3